Thursday, July 28, 2005

Appearing today in a one-time only performance...

It's a bird.... It's a plane.... I'ts SUPER BABY!!! Well, she is definitely super and I just had to write a quick post to say she must have heard me talking about her in my post yesterday, mean mama complaining about how she wouldn't nap the other day, because she took a stupendous THREE HOUR NAP yesterday - thank you baby! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Mama got three whole hours of hands-free time which she deperately needed to work on a project and get dinner on the table on time for once. You are truly an amazing baby - terrifically super, totally fabulous, and absolutely scrumptious, I could just eat you up!

p.s. - Please take another three hour nap today. Pretty, pretty, pretty please? - love, mama

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


So, I wanted to write yesterday and praise my beautiful baby for her new and fabulous schedule which included a 2 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon. That's right, I said THREE HOUR NAP - woo hoo!! However, after going on an epic 3-day stint of said schedule she abrubptly changed her mind yesterday and not only did she not nap for anything over 30 minutes but she also decided to wake up and 6 AM after being on a sleeping-in-until-atleast-8 AM schedule for several weeks now... Aaaahhh, babies are good at throwing you a curve ball once in a while, huh?

Not that I could ever even get mad at her, let alone stay mad, for causing me some extra yawns, I mean how can you get mad at this face?...

As she so excellently displays in this picture, she is doing very well playing on her tummy these days, holding her head up and rolling over ALL the time! So, no, for all the safety experts out there, I do not leave her alone like this on the bed, in fact I can hardly stray a few feet from the fabulous rolling machine that she is. So, we play a lot more on the floor now, where she exhibits her newly acquired back-to-front AND front-to-back rolling skills, as well as showing off her new 'scooching' skills, which I'm sure is a precursor to crawling - TAKE YOUR TIME BABY, no need to start chasing you around or gating you in just yet. So perfect right now, can't get into too much trouble, can you...

Well, it's almost a staggering 7:15 AM and no peeps from the little one - good for you baby, go baby go!, sleep on, sleep on. Maybe today will be the first day of a new epic of sleeping in AND napping, well, I'd settle for either one, yawn....

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Have I become a blogger?!

So I've decided to try this blogging thing, inspired by our many friends who blog themselves. It's hard these days to keep up with our many out-of-town friends so I really love the fact that I can 'check-in' on my friends who have blog sites and see what they're up to. I never knew how much time it took to make a phone call or email a friend until I had our baby and had no time for either! So, in case any of our friends or family would like a little window into our fabulous life, here it is, the launch of...

Family Life, unplugged!

So what to say this first post, hmmm.... I'm really psyched that this blogger site lets you post photos, that's the main reason I'm even trying this, so I can share a little blurb and another adorably cute picture of our adorably cute baby! This week we continue the current saga of the entry into the world of solid foods, dum dum dummmmm!!!! (See key graphic below)

This picture sums up our first cereal experience from a few weeks ago, it went surprisingly well and it did not require any goggles or rain-gear, good job baby! Last week we tried our first vegetables as well, carrots, followed by peas, which created carrot-poop, followed by pea-poop, and I think pea-poop wins out on the gross factor. Especially when she is sitting happily in her bouncy seat and I go to extricate her and find out she has had one of the aforementioned pea-poops and it has burst out the leg hole and made a lovely pea-poop puddle which she has been happily sitting in. Followed by a removal of said pea-poop filled diaper only to find that it is literally filling her belly button, ew, ew, eeewwwww! Yes, an actual hose-off in the sink was required, and no, I chose not to photograph this very special moment in her life.

Well, I think that's all the details of baby-life that the web can handle today, and it's all the time my very patient baby will allow me to type. I hope, not too shabby for our first post of family life - more stories to come, for the poop just keeps on coming...