Saturday, June 24, 2006

Qui! Qui!

That's here! here! in Italian, because we are definitely here, here, in Italy!

We've survived our long flight across the atlantic and made it through our first week in Aviano, Italy. I think we've gotten past all the jet lag and I'm just now beginning to get through the emotional-lag of moving my life overseas... holy cow. It wasn't until we were actually here that I realized how far away from home, family, and friends I was, and I had a few sleepless nights staring at the ceiling, wondering what in the hell I had gotten myself into! : ( Thankfully, in the last few days I have happily stumbled upond some really nice families in our hotel who seemed just as strung out as me, aaaah, so nice to find people as unhappy as you - misery truly does love company!!

Aside from the emotional woes of travel, our transition here is actually going really well, we've found a house and should be moving in next week, although our household stuff won't be here until late August, yay : ) Tony's finished his week of orientation and is settling into his new job and loving it - big office, big responsibilities, too good to be true.

Well, hope to write more soon, don't have our home computer yet so I'm at the mercy of the library hours and computer availability. Signing off from far away...

Ciao, ciao!