Friday, September 30, 2005

The spam stops here

Just a note to let everyone know I've just added a word verification option for commenting so don't be surprised when you see that request if you go to leave a comment on this blog. We've been getting a lot of "spam comments" which I didn't even know was possible, and is definitely as annoying as spam emails. Thanks to my friend for suggesting this to keep out the spammers!

And on the family front, the little one is still battling her cold and now I've caught a new one, yippee, the house of snot legacy lives on...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Baby's first cold

No, no pretty little picture of the fabulously snotty baby enjoying her first cold, I am kind at heart and thought to spare everyone that wonderful view, you're welcome.

Yes, yet another milestone for our little one as this past week she began sneezing and coughing and dripping snot all over her toys - hurray for baby, she's caught her first cold! I had a cold for about a week and was right in the middle of congratulating myself for not giving it to my baby when I noticed the steady stream of snot coming out of her nose last Sunday. I tried to convince myself it was some sort of fluke from her afternoon nap, drool from all the teething that was magically flowing upward into her nose, but no, then more snot came, and then the sneezing, and then the fever and then it was pretty hard to ignore. So, I pulled out all my baby books and magazines and read everything I could find about her symptoms and discovered there wasn't much I could do but watch and wait, she only had a stuffy nose and a really mild fever and to top it off she was happy as a clam! She couldn't have cared less about not being able to breathe, seemingly suffocating every time she ate, and leaving a bright shiny slime trail everywhere she crawled around the house, she loved it! Of course she's had a few fussy moments throughout the week, but between her and me she wins the prize. I had the same cold and whined and complained the whole week but give it to my little 7-month-old baby, and she can kick that germ right on it's ass. You are so your father's daughter, thank god for those tough-guy genes.

So, as of today, I am finishing up the famous cold, the little one's battling her way through it and daddy seems to have just started sniffling, hmmmmm, I think that officially makes us the snot family. Oh well, signing off from snotville with a fun little non-snotty picture of Ms. Cuteness...

(Looks like she's on a really important conference call, doesn't it?.... Baby calling god, are you there god? There's been a mixup, this is soooooooo not my mother, this crazy lady right here, who WON'T STOP TAKING MY PICTURE!) : )

Friday, September 02, 2005

Water Baby

Here's the little princess at the pool last weekend - having a splashing good time! I think she has no idea why we strap her in a tight outfit and swoosh her around in what seems like a giant bathtub but she seems to enjoy all the sights and sounds and likes watching all the other kids jump around in their bright swimsuits. After a few weeks she's even starting to have some fun splashing and lets us dunk her under water a few times, big girl! Can't wait until next summer when we can really have some pool time fun!