I don't know why, but I find this hysterical:
The Onion: Single ParentAnd no, I never even THINK about leaving my incredibly adorable child, I just liked the line, "It would have been so easy... I could just kick myself!"
Life with momma & the princess is going just fine for all those out there thinking about us. Thank you for all the kind wishes and 'hang in there'-s, now if you could just figure out a way to make her stop SCREAMING because it seems to be her new favorite past-time since daddy has left : ) That and becoming a rather demanding primadonna, example: "Put my drink on the TABLE!", "Get me a TISSUE!", "Fix my SLIPPER!" Everything has become a demand, and the addition of a sweet 'Please' only seems to come after being reminded. Where, or where did she get this from? Is that what I walk around sounding like? She had to hear it somewhere - yikes!
Love her so much, wouldn't trade her for the world. Well, maybe trade her in for an EXACT replica that just screams, whines, fusses & cries a little bit less : )